
Fireboy DML’s ‘Yawa’: A Melodic Journey Of Resilience

An In-depth Analysis of the Lyrics and Musicality of 'Yawa'


Fireboy DML, a prominent figure in the Nigerian music scene, has recently released his second single of the year, “Yawa”. The song is a testament to the artist’s unique style and his ability to create music that resonates with his audience. This review will delve into the lyrics and musicality of “Yawa”, offering a comprehensive analysis of the song.Fireboy Dml'S 'Yawa': A Melodic Journey Of Resilience, Yours Truly, News, May 17, 2024

Lyrics Analysis

The lyrics of “Yawa” are a reflection of Fireboy DML’s resilience and determination. The song begins with the line, “Man on a mission, I see no competition, and I mind my business, God is my witness”. This sets the tone for the rest of the song, establishing the artist’s focus on his journey and his disregard for any potential competition.

The chorus, “Yawa dey oh, yawa dey oh, yawa dey oh, ojojumo lo n soro mi”, is a catchy hook that encapsulates the essence of the song. The term “Yawa” is a Nigerian slang that translates to “trouble” or “problem”. The repetition of this phrase throughout the song serves as a constant reminder of the challenges that the artist faces.


“Yawa” is a vibrant track that showcases Fireboy DML’s unique blend of Afrobeats and pop. The song’s upbeat tempo and catchy melody make it an instant crowd-pleaser. The production, handled by Telz and Magicsticks, is top-notch, providing a solid foundation for Fireboy DML’s smooth vocals.


While “Yawa” is a well-crafted song, it does fall into the trap of being somewhat repetitive. The chorus, while catchy, is repeated numerous times throughout the song, which may lead to listener fatigue. Additionally, the lyrics, while relatable, do not offer much in terms of depth or complexity.

Impact and Reception

Despite these minor criticisms, “Yawa” has been well-received by fans and critics alike. The song’s relatable lyrics and infectious melody have resonated with listeners, further cementing Fireboy DML’s status as a talented artist in the Nigerian music scene.

Final Thoughts

In summary, “Yawa” is a testament to Fireboy DML’s musical prowess and his ability to create relatable and catchy music. Despite some minor criticisms, the song is a solid addition to his discography and a promising indication of what’s to come from the artist.

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