
First-Week Sales Projections For PartyNextDoor’s “P4” Sees Fans Reactions

After a four-year hiatus, Canadian-born artist PartyNextDoor recently released his fourth studio album, PartyNextDoor 4 (P4). The album is the third in his self-titled series, following P3 in 2016 and PARTYMOBILE in 2020. Since its release last week, the album has garnered positive reviews and reactions from both fans and critics. Many have praised it as some of his best work yet, with some even suggesting that it could be a contender for album of the year.

Despite the positive reception, it has been reported that P4 might not perform as well in its first week as his previous album. According to HipHop-N-More, the album is estimated to sell between 33 and 38k copies, which is lower than the 50k copies sold by PARTYMOBILE in its first week. Nevertheless, the album’s success and critical acclaim indicate that PartyNextDoor’s popularity and influence in the music industry remain strong.

One of the reasons why P4 has generated publicity is its controversial NSFW cover art. The cover features a nude model, Lanazia Greene, bent over on a bed. The image has sparked debates about the appropriateness of such content, especially when it comes to marketing and promoting music. Despite the backlash, Greene’s partner, Haiti Babii, has defended her and expressed his support for her choices. In a social media post, he explained that he was not bothered by the cover and was proud of her. For music enthusiasts, PartyNextDoor’s latest album is a testament to his artistry, creativity, and ability to connect with his fans. While the album’s first-week sales might not be as high as expected, its cultural impact and relevance are undeniable.

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