
Do2tun Laments 5-Year-Old’s Death At The Hands Of A Policeman

OAP Do2tun has lamented the unfortunate passing of a 5-year-old at the hands of a trigger-happy policeman on new year’s day.

No one wants to tell the story of death. It is even more painful to tell the heartbreaking story of a child’s passing. Nigerian OAP, Do2tun recently took to social media to lament the death of a child who returned to Nigeria with her mother to spend Christmas with her late father’s family.

According to the OAP, the 5-year-old child was brought home with her two siblings by their recently widowed mother. The plan was to celebrate the holidays with their late father’s family to mark his remembrance. Unfortunately, things took an unfortunate turn.

He wrote that a trigger-happy policeman “shot in the air. The bullet pierced the girl’s stomach. They didn’t even know until later. She died.” He lamented the girl’s death with more heartbreaking words “How do you explain to yourself or to anyone that you brought your child to Nigeria, but you are not taking her back. The next question is “why”?

“Then you would say she was killed by a policeman by mistake or what? How does that even sound? You lost your child to a trigger happy policeman on New Year’s Eve. So tragic. The police force need a total overhaul. Kilode!”

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