
Swae Lee Clarifies “Amapiano Tweet” Amidst Criticisms Following Social Media Ruckus

Swae Lee has taken to Twitter to share a video explaining the tweet and stating that he never intended to start a conflict between Nigerians and South Africans regarding ownership of Amapiano after receiving hours of harsh criticism from South Africans. In the video, Swae Lee clarifies that his tweet was simply a personal opinion about Amapiano music and not meant to spark animosity between Nigerians and South Africans. He expresses his deep respect for both cultures and emphasizes the importance of unity within the African music community.

Swae Lee revealed in the video that Nigerians were responsible for introducing him to Amapiano. The American singer admits he respects the creators and tweeted to show his enthusiasm for Amapiano, whom he met in Nigeria. Swae Lee also called on Africans from all over the continent not to misinterpret his tweet or the music while revealing that he has an upcoming Amapiano song.

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