
Korra Obidi Shares Frustrating Stop-And-Search Encounter With Police Officers On Lagos Road; Decries Police Brutality

Korra Obidi, a talented Nigerian performer who has made a name for herself as a dancer and a singer, has recently returned to her homeland after spending some time in the United States. While driving on a road in Lagos, Nigeria, she was mistreated by police officers, which left her feeling deeply upset and frustrated. Despite her success and achievements, Korra’s experience highlights the ongoing issue of police brutality and unfair treatment of citizens in Nigeria.

The mother of two recently posted a video on Instagram about her recent night out with Talent Manager Frank Nwafor. The video starts when Frank requests permission from a police officer to lock the car doors so they can concentrate on inspecting the vehicle documents. However, the police officer responded rudely and used explicit language, commanding Frank to forget the car and focus on him instead.

During her account, she also shared her first encounter with a police officer, which was recorded on camera. The officer was kneeling on the driver’s seat and thoroughly inspecting the vehicle’s interior. In the voiceover, Korra explained how the police instructed her to leave the car for a complete search. She also captured when an officer sternly ordered her to stop filming and recording him.

She had mixed feelings when recorded on video expressing joy while enjoying a tasty snack of cooked corn and butter pear. In her voiceover narration, she beautifully explained the sweetness and deliciousness of the treat while also recounting the story of her fun night out with friends.

Korra Obidi expressed her disappointment in an Instagram post about the way she and her friend were roughly treated by police officers while having a light meal on a Tuesday night. The officers searched their bags and personal belongings in a manner that Korra found inappropriate. She appealed to the police officers to use their energy to apprehend corrupt politicians instead of harassing young people. Korra emphasized that if the police directed their efforts towards more serious crimes, such as corruption, the fuel cost would not be as high as it is now; as Netizens also drummed support for her as police brutality continues to be a reoccurring topic with the Nigerian Police Force to date.

“Attempting Taco Tuesday in Lagos. Several police stops with random men manhandling me and searching my bag and personal belongings @frankhasaplan.

Lagos Police, let the youth breath for God’s sake. If you dedicate this much energy to catching politicians who are looting, fuel will not be #560 Naira today. SMH”

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