
Cardi B Reacts To The Dalai Lama’s Request For A Boy To Suck His Tongue

As Cardi B never holds back, she responded to a video showing the Dalai Lama invited a little kid to suck on his tongue with some sharp remarks. In the viral video, an 87-year-old religious figure is shown at a gathering where a young boy requests a hug from him. The kid was then instructed to suck on the Dalai Lama’s tongue.

The WAP singer said on social media, “This world is full of predators. They prey on the innocent. The ones who are most unknowing, our children.”

But, as is typical on social media, Cardi, real name Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar Cephus, was criticized by others who felt her remarks went too far.

The Dalai Lama, the most revered person in Tibetan Buddhism, interacted with a little kid at a public event in India, according to news footage extensively circulated online over the weekend. The meeting took place in late February at the Dalai Lama’s temple in Dharamshala, where 100 young graduates of the Indian M3M Foundation were present, according to the Guardian.

The Dalai Lama’s social media handle posted a statement in response to criticism of the video. The religious leader apologized for his conduct but claimed he was only “innocent and playful.”

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