
“Gravity” Is The New Single From North Carolina’s Gerry Stanek

“Gravity” is the leadoff single from Gerry Stanek’s latest release, Grease and Dust and Blood. The EP’s title comes from “Brakeman,” a straightforward murder ballad set to a pretty melody, and it seems an apt metaphor for the themes that run through this collection.

Gerry Stanek’s mind wandered through books and heartache, through trains and Sir Isaac Newton when these tunes appeared. How do you make gravity analogous to a relationship that can’t be escaped? A hint: wishes aimed at a stars might collapse into black holes, and book smarts won’t do much good in matters of the heart. The singer finally asks, “Is Newton’s Law a tragedy?”

There are several avenues to dilemmas of the heart in Grease and Dust and Blood, and there’s plenty of atmosphere that’s more analog than digital. Gerry Stanek thinks in analog terms, what some might call old fashioned. You might find something analogous to your own dilemmas in the warmth of this collection.

Grease and Dust and Blood follows closely on the heels of Heart in Peril, released in July of 2022. Gerry Stanek hails from Greensboro, North Carolina. Heart in Peril has garnered airplay all over Europe and at several college radio stations in the US, and on SiriusXM at Little Steven’s Underground Garage.

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