
Jennifer Lopez Speaks On “Split” From Ben Affleck And Earlier Wedding Postponement

In a recent interview with Zane Lowe on Apple Music, Jennifer Lopez shared some intimate details about her relationship with Ben Affleck and their earlier split. She revealed that they did not break up on the day they postponed their wedding in 2003, as many people believe. Instead, they split well before the wedding delay, which sparked doubts in the minds of both parties about the future of their relationship. Despite their efforts to make it work, they were not “mature” enough to handle the challenges that came their way and eventually went their separate ways.

Lopez explained that they both believed that people break up when things get tough, which is what they thought was happening to them. However, she now realizes that this is not always the case. The couple tried to make it work, but their repeated attempts were unsuccessful. Lopez added that they were not emotionally or mentally equipped to handle the challenges that came their way.

After their split, both stars went on to marry other people and have children. Lopez married singer Marc Anthony and had two kids, while Affleck hooked up with his “Daredevil” co-star Jennifer Garner, leading to a trio of children. Lopez believes that it took both of them marrying other people and having children before they could truly understand what they wanted. Lopez is confident that their individual growth and increased confidence have made their relationship stronger this time around. The couple officially tied the knot in 2022, and fans are hoping that they will remain together for many years to come.

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