
Spotify Introduces A New Playlist Branded “Daylist” That Integrates All Moods

Spotify recently unveiled the ‘Daylist’ playlist, a brand-new feature meant to provide Nigerian users with music throughout the entire day. This brand-new Spotify playlist features the indie songs you usually listen to at certain times of day or on various days of the week, and it ebbs and flows with a distinct vibe.

It continuously refreshes between dawn and dusk, offering a selection of extremely tailored songs tailored to each and every version of you. Daylist, which was introduced towards the end of the previous year in a few regions, experienced a 17,000% surge in searches at the start of the year after going viral on social media.

Every update will include a new title that establishes the tone for your daylist in addition to new tracks. Across the globe, a few of the most popular titles are laid-back chilling, nostalgia 2000s, and nostalgia 2010s. The relatability of these songs contributes to daylist’s overall appeal by enabling you to express your distinct aural personality and learn more about your musical preferences.

By searching “daylist” on the Spotify app, people in Nigeria who are not paying for Premium or Free can still access the playlist. You have the option to store a favorite daylist playlist in your Library. Additionally, the playlist has a sharing tool that lets users tell friends about their personalized playlists.

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